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Areas near BAILEY, Pennsylvania with zipcodes .. abc 190049 xyz jkl - LIVERPOOL, PA 17045 - $199,900.00 .. 183080" 1392 Hidden Valley Road jkl - LOYSVILLE, PA 17047 - $349,900.00 .. 181857" 27 Sheaffers Valley Rd. jkl - LANDISBURG, PA 17040 - $141,900.00 .. 179257" 1214 Bower Rd jkl - SHERMANS DALE, PA 17090 - $275,000.00 .. 95261" 352 New Bloomfield jkl - DUNCANNON, PA 17020 - $119,900.00 .. 95260" 41 Cambridge Circle jkl - LIVERPOOL, PA 17045 - $258,800.00 .. 95250" 15 Grandview jkl - LIVERPOOL, PA 17045 - $239,900.00 .. 95242 xyz jkl - MILLERSTOWN, PA 17062 - $283,000.00 .. 95241 xyz jkl - MILLERSTOWN, PA 17062 - $189,000.00 .. 39344 xyz jkl - NEWPORT, PA 17074 - $169,900.00
Whether you are just browsing for listings in BAILEY, Pennsylvania or looking for the right real estate agent to work with, you've come to the right place. offers users the ability to connect with home, condo and townhome listings nationwide, in real time as well as help connect individuals and families who are looking to buy or sell a home with a qualified real estate agent. This is truly a one-stop resource, whether you are looking for a place to live, searching for investment property or have a place you would like to sell. You gain access to properties anywhere in the U.S.